pckswarms.ch - interesting uncommon events

Why not? I've seen your daily routine. You're not busy.

At some point, we are going to discover that the gut microbiota is doing quantum computing, and then a lot of thinking will have to change...

A larger challenge is to encourage the shift from rationalism, which assumes that algorithms are the answer, to empiricism, which assumes that continuous exploration, persistent questioning, and vigorous dialog will promote a deeper understanding of our world.

Dimitris Chloupis made a remarkably astute observation - Lisp is a factory for making programming languages; Smalltalk is a factory for making programming environments.

27 Feburary 202

Modeling migration patterns in the USA under sea level rise

Level Up Rome - Game Conference

24 Feburary 2020

M3 DB from M3

Peter Norvigs Economic simulation.

Voxels to create jaw dropping worlds.

Corona Virus Videos.

18 Feburary 2020

Spore Prototypes.

The Sucide of Rachel Foster Review.

Ray Tracing Essentials

Ray Tracing Gems

Graph Neural Networks.

Among Ripples: Shallow Waters

12 Feburary 2020

Data.gov Finance

Where can I get stock market data set for data analysis?


IEX Group

LionBridge Free Financial Data sets

Quandl Wiki Continuous Futures

Ynglet - swimming platformer game.

Location data from Games to track folks.

Rogue Wave.

10 Feburary 2020

A Short Hike

07 Feburary 2020

Kentucky Route Zero.

Clouds and global warming.

Effectiveness of airport screening at detecting travellers infected with novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV)

Basel to Hamburg overnight with your car.

ProxiAI - Will Wright etc.

05 Feburary 2020

RISE up research center in Cyprus

Upscale to 4k the famous 1896 train arrivial video Lumiere.

Sand Dunes communicate.

Someone should make a game about prision life...

Wide Ocean Big Jacket is a family camping trip.

FOSDEM 2020 talks

What happens if nCoV is not contained?

04 Feburary 2020

What's happening with the coronavirus

Climate models running hot. Van Halen

KiwiCo STEM kits

US Survey Foot

The environmental cost of keeping mail and files online keeps rising

Mathematicians Prove Universal Law of Turbulence

Do recent explanations solve the mysteries of aerodynamic lift?


Lancet Cornovirus center

Adopt an Olivie Tree.

Geneva Health Forum

02 Feburary 2020

Game AI Pro

Bruce O'Neel

Last modified: Wed Jul 8 22:19:37 CEST 2009