A Chip GA
Southpark at SegFault
Risks 20.55
Silicon Follies Chap 48
The iMaul
A Cyberspace Atlas
First Chandra images
Living with Linux
Stunning - Alan Kay at Educom 98
Great DaveNet - Compaq DOA, MS NT Setup - Cruel and Unusal Punishment
Linux on MIPS handhelds.
MS Workers have to buy MS Books Why? BTW, this will be down in a few days.
About Web 3d
Chap 47 of Silicon Follies.
Hmm, best not to run some sort of Standard computer - scary.
I'm Shrinking - The web that is...
TidBITS 494
Swiki Beta 3
Prolog for Squeak
AlertBox - Interface Standards
Swiki Beta 4
RCFoC - Adapt or Die
Xanadu Released
MacOS X Server Squeak
The Avida Artifical Life system from Nature 400
The Celebration Chronicles: Life in Disneyville
Linux and X-Ray Astro
Alan Turning's Treatise on Enigma
DaveNet - Who Reads DaveNet
Silicon Follies Chap 46
Must be a No Disney day - The Darker Side of Disney
Someone broke MS's Music Format
I'll be off tomorrow and Friday
Silicon Follies Chap 45
Off off off Wall Street
Hmm, remember AI or Pen Computing? They were once the next big thing
DaveNet: Antiques
RCFOC - The New Winners
Cray's fate
Risks 20.54 MCI WorldCom Frame Relay Problems
TidBITS 493
Software Patents and Open Source
Tasty Bits from the Tech Front - Delusional
Geek Love - No, not a new G3
Silicon Follies Chap 44
Squeak 2.5 is out. Mac for now, the other packages will be put up as they are produced.
MS's Finding of Fact is a great work of Fiction
Tomalak's Realm - X3D adds lightweight 3d browsing. My take - 3d is hard. As long as it is hard it won't take off.
Tomalak's Realm - What wins Popularity Contests
DaveNet - Deep Linking
Trying to fight 3rd world poverty
Big Suprise - Internet Companies are hard to value
RIAA says We'll git you
Risks 20.53. You cell phone could be a bug
Apple Wizards for Aug 99 is out.
Interview with Linus Torvalds in Upside.
MP3 made it easy to get tunes, but what about revenue?
DaveNet - Scripting News Bulletins
Trying to visit Binh Hoa. Same thing happened here as happened at My Lia.
Salon article on Genetic Programming - Nice overview. Might want to check out The Santa Fe Institute
Weather in Europe for the Eclipse
RCFoC - Not Your Father's Wireless Data
AlertBox - Video and Streaming Media
KPMG and Cisco get together - Interesting
DaveNet - Deep Linking
Tomalak's Realm - Lost in the Web
Tomalak's Realm - Why the Web Sucks
Tomalak's Realm - High Tech devices are too complex
Tomalak's Realm - Honest news in the Slashdot era
TidBITS 492
Polution out side the city is worse than inside?
Chap 42 of Silicon Follies.
A SJ Mercury article on Silicon Valley Architecture
Risks 20.52 is out. Can You Trust AT&T Wireless PCS Text Messaging?
Interesting Business Week section on Data Mining
Henk-Jan Kooiman got Tcl/Tk to build with MPW. This is a great job!
From NTK: There's something quintessentially UNIXique about NGREP. It's a stubby, simple tool, with thousands of potential (but as yet unforeseen) uses. Also - and this has to be the best indicator of a perfect CLI tool - you've already guessed what it does from the name. Yes, it's a packet sniffer which can pluck out regular expressions from network traffic and pipe them to STDOUT. Like all things UNIX (including UNIX), we expect someone will eventually pervert this beautiful, theoretically and malicious tool for non-evil and practical purposes. In the meantime - have fun.
TBTF Rightly to apprehend. It has a great quote from Charles Babbage - "On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament], 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question.
TBTF for 1999-07-26: Hypocrites Party
The new Squeak Swiki which runs under Commanche
Keepin' the website up.
Netfuture #92 is out.
Great DaveNet on Old Software
Silicon Follies 35-41 came out while I was on vacation.
Great Salon story about the San Juan Special flights.
I'm back. I'll try not to flood links out here.
A bunch of NTKs came out.
Tasty Bits from the Tech Front
Watch Satellite tracks in real time
NASA plans for viking attacks.
Washed up at 35?
You can do What? with a Jar Jar toy?
AlertBox - Metcalf's Law in Reverse
A load of good DaveNets
How Programmer's Stole the Web
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