beo daily - daily stuff
29 February 2000
28 February 2000
27 February 2000
- Two newer OO languages, Ruby
- and tom
25 February 2000
24 February 2000
23 February 2000
22 February 2000
21 February 2000
19 February 2000
18 February 2000
- Hmm, Balmer and McNealy don't like each other. I
had to read this with Lynx.
- Donald Knuth interview
- Lisa GUI
- Mapping the earth from space
15 February 2000
11 February 2000
- A good view of some of the politics possibly behind DeCSS
10 February 2000
9 February 2000
- fires back
- Politics follows code
- Seven vices of creative people
8 February 2000
- Alertbox - novice vs expert user
- Collaborative Computing Frameworks for Natural Sciences Research
7 February 2000
6 February 2000
4 February 2000
3 February 2000
2 February 2000
Bruce O'Neel
Last modified: Tue Feb 29 13:10:21 MET 2000