Why not? I've seen your daily routine. You're not busy.
A larger challenge is to encourage the shift from rationalism, which assumes that algorithms are the answer, to empiricism, which assumes that continuous exploration, persistent questioning, and vigorous dialog will promote a deeper understanding of our world.
Dimitris Chloupis made a remarkably astute observation - Lisp is a factory for making programming languages; Smalltalk is a factory for making programming environments.
30 April 2019
ISIC International Skin Imaging Collaboration.
AI Helps Detect Atrial Fibrillation Recurrence with High Accuracy.
AI Helps Classify Lung Cancer at the Pathologist Level.
Introduction to Motion Estimation with Optical Flow.
Realsense T265 Tracking Camera
Advances in Weather prediction
HackerNews discussion.
Why Game of Thrones The Longest Night was so dark. For those of you too lazy to read the article the basic problem is that the origional uncompressed video stream did not fit will into current codecs. I find this really distracting in lots of cases, say, watching a football match where lots of people are waving something will almsot always be blocky from the cosine transforms.
24 April 2019
Set Covering with Experts.
23 April 2019
Dear AI startups: Your AI models are dying quietly.
Google Coral TPU board and USB.
Ideas to help restore insects.
Electric cars in Germany emit more CO2 than diesel ones.
Just because it's digital does not mean it's green.
Was there civilization on earth before humans?
How does Turbulence get started?
CMIP6 status
EuroGraphics Symposium on Rendering.
20 April 2019
What Machine Learning needs from hardware.
Interview with Jeff Base - ImageZMQ
TedX Bogota on Resiliencia.
Evaluating Knowledge to Support Climate Action: A Framework for Sustained Assessment
Small Computers
Why I talk about Smalltalk even when working in Java
Get great 3d scans with Open Photogrammetry
10 April 2019
Itinerant - probability visualization.
Climate Change
Satellite Photos show Europe's changing climate.
European State of the Climate 2018
Soil Degradation in Europe.
09 April 2019
08 April 2019
DCASE 2019 Challenges.
Sound Event Localization and Detection.
Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona - Music Technology Group.
05 April 2019
Small Computers
Garden Tracking Database
Low Power Computing with Raspberry Pi
PostgreSQL performance on Raspberry Pi
Climate Change
Heaven or High Water. Miami's last 50 years.
First successful model simulation of the past 3 million years of climate change
03 April 2019
The Bitter Lesson - after 70 years it turns out that more data and generalized methods really work better..
Bruce O'Neel
Last modified: Wed Jul 8 22:19:37 CEST 2009