pckswarms.ch - interesting uncommon events

31 May 2024

Mapping Renewable Energy potential

29 May 2024

Voxel Displacement Render P2

Voxel Displacement Render P1

Bug with network interfaces in Antithesis.

Swiss Territorial Data Lab

CCL Docs

CUIS has Geographic Information Systems code

Road to Common Lisp


Cyberpunk 2077 and helping with disease

GTFL terminal for lisp

Evolution of the ELF object file format.

Sound Localiyation with the Pi.

DefElement an encyclopedia of finite element definitions

Taming Floating Point Sums.

Parallel Prime Number Detection in Lisp.

Addition with Flamethrowers

Something weird is happening with tornados.

CFD Essentials from FlexCompute.

17 May 2024

Figgie Jane Street's card game

Why Does Biological Evolution Work? A Minimal Model for Biological Evolution and Other Adaptive Processes

30 days of QGIS.

Ldapper - ldap in lisp.

Chinmera's Github.

Real-Time defocus

Preserving the Wilderness Idea

GPUs go Brrrr

How to explore Lisp Metaprogramming.

Zero Feet A proposal for a systems free lisp.

A Life-like particle system.

Proxmox Virtual Environment.

Muskrats are going away

Japanese Trade publication formed a new Japanese Graphic Identity

XBOX Game Accessibility Workshop

Life and death of a graphics programmer.

OpenLisp by Eligis is an ISLisp

An assessment of threats to the American power grid

11 May 2024

Free LiDAR software packges.

Braun Borse 2024

03 May 2024

cl-waffe2 - deep learning in lisp

Pacific Drive how it pulls off being spooky.

Alice's Adventures in a differentiable wonderland.

The worlds loudest lisp program.

Bruce O'Neel

Last modified: Wed Jul 8 22:19:37 CEST 2009