pckswarms.ch - interesting uncommon events

29 June 2024

Prithvi-weather-climate: Advancing Our Understanding of the Atmosphere

NASA EarthData Ocean.

28 June 2024

Netflix Video Encoding.

Systemd path activation Poor Mans File integity.

Breaking Silos - NewSpeak.

The Interfaces With Which We Think.

26 June 2024

Tokyo Public Toilets

IRT System X l'institut de recherche technologique System X in France

PicoLisp Railroad Simulator.

AIFS - ECMWF's data-driven forecasting system paper

AIFS weather prediction from ECMWF.

As you lean Forth, it learns from you.

Forth Deck

Tracing Garbage Collection for Arenas

20 June 2024

Complex systems and the comptence crisis.

Bannana Monkey problem in prolog

Voyager and Fortran 5.

NovaSpec Common Lisp

SPUR - RISC IV: The LISP Multiprocessor Workstation

Concluding thoughts on the less familiar parts of Lisp series

Games For Cities.

12 June 2024

A Taxonomy of SIMD usage.

Vulkan 1.3 on the M1 in 1 month.

Intel CPU poewr meter.

Quieting the Global Growl - marine noise.

What is PID 0.

Curated Books Machine Learning, Graphs, and Optimizing.

Checkpointing in HPC systems.

09 June 2024


08 June 2024

The Energy Transition Won't Happen.

Muskrat - wetland Architect.

04 June 2024

Native Dr. Racket GUIs.

Green Software Lab

Energy Efficiency in Programming Languages.

Ranking programming languages by energy efficiency.

Green Algorithms.

Electricity Maps

Trapped in the Iron Age.

02 June 2024

Partial Release of the K language

Shakti where K lives.

01 June 2024

Subnational shape files



Natural Earth Data

GAUL Global Administration Unit Layers.

IPLUMS International GIS Boundary Files.

US State Department GeoData

UN Humanitarian Data Exchange.

My fear of commitment to the 1st CPU core - on Latency

Bruce O'Neel

Last modified: Wed Jul 8 22:19:37 CEST 2009